Saturday, June 4, 2011

Roast Tamarillo and Kumara (Sweet potato)

My dinner - and your next recipe idea, comes thanks to reading through my new cookbook: Nirmala's Edible Diary (South American recipes!) This was supposed to be made with Purple potatoes but I only had orange kumara (sweet potato), which means I got 1/4 of the ingredients wrong!


6 whole tamarillos
1 lb small purple poatoes (I used just one huge kumara)
freshly ground black pepper and sea salt
2 T extra-virgin olive oil

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. cover baking dish with a sheet of baking paper.

Put the whole tamarillos in a saucepan and just cover with water. Bring to the boil and cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat. Drain and let cool.

While these are cooking, slice the kumara into 1" /2cm rounds and arrange on baking paper. sprinkle with salt and pepper, drizzle over the olive oil and rub or turn to coat each piece.

When tamarillos are cool enough, peel away the skin by slitting with a knife at the bottom and peel upwards to the stem. Leave stem on but throw away the skin. Toss just once in the oil with kumara (as they are fragile).

Put the tray in the oven - when kumara is soft, turn each peice over and move to the top of te oven to create a bit of a crisy outside. Keep an eye on them so they will look like mine and not like shrivelled burnt things.

I served mine with an omlette, black beans and pureed greens. Nirmala suggests they are a great side dish for any South American main and she likes to pair it with catfish. I prefer my catfish as a documentary (about facebook weirdness, not that scary one about all the killer catfish in the Amazon - I'm never going swimming in that river now! I won't tell you about those eat-y fishes as it might put you off your South American food which you should enjoy).

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