Friday, July 1, 2011

Fantasia has no limits

I wish my bookstore was a little more like this. I love ours but I don't get to sit in a leather armchair reading and smoking a pipe. What I'd most like is that the little boy who visits our store to have a little imagination - kids these days: are they not creative or just not this one? OK, many of my old students were actually very creative, talented and funny. Some not only loved stories but were great storytellers themselves. Long live stories!

I just found this film for sale at the video (ok, DVD) store and watched it again for the first time in years. I hear 'they' (in this case Leonardo di Caprio's production company) are going to do a new movie which will more closely reflect the messages of Michael Ende's brilliant novel. I'm glad to hear it as there's so much in that book (not just in plot but messages, themes etc) and so little of it was brought into the films (to the point where Ende wanted them to change the name of the film or cancel production as it was not a strong enough reflection of what he had created with the novel). You really should read the book, dare I say it is 'powerful'? Hope that didn't put you off. It's also a challenging and affirming book for children - not one of these flimsy adventures but has a lot of depth.

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